Jesus, Example in Baptism

Jesus, Example to Sinners

In learning from Jesus, the “Jedi” Master, I am challenged to deeply ponder the things He said, the things He did, and the things He prayed. So, as I read through the gospels again, these are the things I want to keep in mind.

In Matthew 3:13-17, We know, as did John, that Jesus had no sin. But He came to John to be baptized. John started to protest but Jesus told him to allow it in order “to fulfill all righteousness.” Jesus was willing to look like a sinner in order to be the example for sinners to follow.

So John baptized Jesus.

When Jesus came out of the water the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove and a voice came from heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God gave a miraculous testimony about Jesus to those who were there. (And to us as it was recorded for all time).

Baptism is an important part of following Jesus. He told his followers to repent and be baptized. They go together. And Jesus, Himself, submitted to baptism as an outward sign of what is inward. It shows our old life is gone and we've been raised to live a new life, a life in the footsteps of our Master.

Baptism is the first step in following Master Jesus.


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