Do You Want to be a Warrior?

Do You Want to be a Warrior?

Do you want to represent Christ in such a way that you make a difference in this world and the next?

Do you want to be a warrior?


Then you must train.

Train your body and your mind as well as your spirit. Lack of discipline in one area will pull other areas down. Right now you are soft, but when war comes, you need to be hard. You have to train hard when you can’t see the war yet, so you’ll be ready when the war comes.

You must remain focussed. Keep your eyes clear and on your goal no matter what distractions come and tempt you to look away.

You must become skilled with the light saber (sword). This takes much practice. First to know the Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit. Then to learn how and when to use it.

Become aware of your own personal weaknesses. Is it food? Then you can fast for a time. Is it T.V.? Then fast the T.V. for a time or cut down the time you give to it. Whatever draws your attention, whatever you put above your time with God, that is something that must be pruned in your life so that your focus will be sharp and your skills will grow.

Your Master is calling you out. Will you respond?

My Response . . .

Me: Here am I.

Master Jesus: That’s easy to say . . .

Me: Fill me with Your strength and determination to do it.

Master Jesus: I always will, I always love, but still it’s up to you to act.
Study My life in the gospels as an example.
Listen to My instructions to My disciples and
Notice My actions.

Master Jesus: Be a real-life, Kingdom warrior. It’s far better than a Jedi, and it has eternal results. Understand that using the Jedi as an example does NOT mean this call is imaginary. There are eternal consequences to your lazy disobedience.
     Do NOT allow yourself to be distracted from your purpose.
Become My follower, My messenger, My minister, My warrior

Me: I’m afraid. Afraid I won’t do it.

Master Jesus: Take it one moment at a time. One choice to obey at a time. Don’t look beyond that.
And remember, I AM with you always!


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