Every Jedi is Tested
Every Jedi, and every disciple of Christ, is tested. Another word for that is tempted. James 1:3 says that the testing of your faith produces perseverance, or endurance. We must prove ourselves worthy of the honor and responsibility given to us. Our Master, Jesus, did not avoid the test just because He is God. He was tested, and He was tempted. Before beginning His ministry Jesus was baptised by John to fulfill prophecy. Then He went out into the wilderness as the Holy Spirit led him. He fasted 40 days (a very good way to discipline the flesh). Then the devil came and tempted Him. He used Scripture and appealed to Jesus in ways that would tempt Him. Picture from www.denofgeek.com Each time Jesus answered back with Scripture and stood His ground against the temptation. He proved to be faithful against some very tempting offers. (Who wouldn't rather take the glory, rule the world and AVOID the pain of the cross--that's what the devil offered Jesus, and he could've ...