
Showing posts from January, 2018

Discipline and the Jedi

Discipline and the Jedi There are disciplines for every area of life. A discipline can be practiced or not practiced with differing results. A discipline in one area of life can promote disciplines in other areas of life. The opposite is also true: the lack of discipline in one area can hinder disciplines in other areas. Disciplines are beneficial to increase our strength and aptitude in the area of our practice. Disciplines can be taken too far. Then they become legalistic--a practice for the sake of the practice alone.   A person will never become a Jedi without practicing the use of the Force. So also, a disciple of Christ, a Christian, will never really be a disciple without practicing the principles established by Jesus, and allowing His Spirit to work in him/her. The only way to live as Jesus taught us to live is to discipline ourselves. Discipline is self-denial. It is self-imposed boundaries for the purpose of training. Sometimes it requires self-...

The Last Jedi, Inspiration from

Inspiration from The Last Jedi I’m always inspired spiritually by Star Wars movies, and this one didn’t disappoint. I love how the question as to who Rey was kept coming up and in the end the answer was, Nobody! As far as they’ve revealed in the movies, she is not from any special bloodline like Anakin, Leia or Luke. I love how the movie ended with the hope of a new resistance to be raised up. And the slave children--an army of nobodies--in the end, who dream of being part of the resistance, already have the force with them. I love how Luke has come to realize that being a legend isn’t what it’s about. That the hope of the resistance can’t be laid on one person, no matter how talented or committed they are. He’s sorry he got cocky, but he learns that he can still help the resistance, and he can help others learn, even from his mistakes. No one is the hero alone, save Jesus. But we, His followers, His disciples, can practice the disciplines He taught u...

Jesus, our Master

Jesus, our Master There are two meanings for the word master : One who has authority over others, especially servants or slaves. These carry out the work of the master in things over which the master has authority. A skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity. An expert. Both definitions apply to Jesus. Jesus is our master, or so we say as Christians. Thus He is the expert we learn from, our teacher, our rabi, our mentor, our example. Unlike Star Wars, Jesus is also the Owner and Creator of everything, and the One from whom the Force, The Holy Spirit, flows. In Eastern practices, as it was in the days of Jesus, the apprentices or disciples spend a lot of time with their master. They watch him, eat with him, follow him. One day, they begin to do things he does, the way he does them. They ask questions. They try. They fail and try again. Over time they begin to see their master’s motives behind what he says and does. As they understand their master...

Do You Want to be a Warrior?

Do You Want to be a Warrior? Do you want to represent Christ in such a way that you make a difference in this world and the next? Do you want to be a warrior? Yes? Then you must train. Train your body and your mind as well as your spirit. Lack of discipline in one area will pull other areas down. Right now you are soft, but when war comes, you need to be hard. You have to train hard when you can’t see the war yet, so you’ll be ready when the war comes. You must remain focussed. Keep your eyes clear and on your goal no matter what distractions come and tempt you to look away. You must become skilled with the light saber (sword). This takes much practice. First to know the Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit. Then to learn how and when to use it. Become aware of your own personal weaknesses. Is it food? Then you can fast for a time. Is it T.V.? Then fast the T.V. for a time or cut down the time you give to it. Whatever draws your attention, whatever you...

The Jedi Christian

Jedi Christian The word “christian” has been diluted over the years since Jesus ascended and His first followers lived out their faith. Jesus called them disciples, which means they had certain disciplines they kept. It was a way of life they learned as they followed Jesus around and He did His thing. Another way of putting it was that they were His apprentices. It was not easy. They lived in tumultuous times. Often their lives were on the line, but they kept doing what they’d seen Jesus do, what He had taught them to do. In fact, they acted so much like Jesus that, in one region, the people called them little Jesuses as a term of slander. The word they used was, “Christian.” Instead of being offended by the name, the disciples readily received the term, and referred to themselves as Christians. The name stuck. Now “Christian” can mean so many different things to different people. But what we lose most often, well at least in the West where we still have it pretty easy, ...