Discipline and the Jedi
Discipline and the Jedi There are disciplines for every area of life. A discipline can be practiced or not practiced with differing results. A discipline in one area of life can promote disciplines in other areas of life. The opposite is also true: the lack of discipline in one area can hinder disciplines in other areas. Disciplines are beneficial to increase our strength and aptitude in the area of our practice. Disciplines can be taken too far. Then they become legalistic--a practice for the sake of the practice alone. A person will never become a Jedi without practicing the use of the Force. So also, a disciple of Christ, a Christian, will never really be a disciple without practicing the principles established by Jesus, and allowing His Spirit to work in him/her. The only way to live as Jesus taught us to live is to discipline ourselves. Discipline is self-denial. It is self-imposed boundaries for the purpose of training. Sometimes it requires self-...